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Take That Risk!

Writer's picture: Rishi BanshiwalRishi Banshiwal

Risk taking in entrepreneurship

In May, 2019 - The day when the parrot first visited us.

What is a risk? 

Oxford Dictionary defines “risk” as a chance or possibility of danger, loss, injury or other adverse consequences.

It can be dangerous at times, but in the end, it is nothing more than a leap of faith. Taking risks is always necessary because risk breaks boundaries and possibly unleash and discover one’s full potential. 

Taking risks is, well, risky, but by avoiding risks and by not daring to take that blind leap, one will always continue to live a mundane, monotonous life enclosed in boundaries and may never have a chance to shine truly.

I want to share a personal story with all of you. A story that keeps reminding me of How rewarding it can be to take risks in life! 

The story is as follows : 

On a Sunday morning in May 2019, while I was on my balcony, helping my father dry up the washed clothes. We heard a sound, a bird call, and to our surprise, there was a parrot ( red-ringed parakeet) just a meter away from us! 

He was calling or screaming, and we couldn’t figure out why. Meanwhile, we googled instantly about the behaviour of parrots and what they like to eat. He managed to stay there in the same spot wanting our attention, and he wasn’t hurt or wounded.

We offered him green chillies, and he took them from the hand of my father. Very nicely. And stayed at the same spot and started eating it and then asked for more!

 We offered him some chillies again, along with some water. We thought he was hungry and couldn’t find food anywhere, so he probably came to us for it. 

More surprise visits awaited us now!

The parrot (now called ‘Mitthu’) became a regular visitor, and the whole family started entertaining him! 

We would try different parrot foods with him and then figured out he is fond of Walnuts and would want them every day and any time of the day!

He was punctual and started visiting us in the mornings around 8 AM and the evening between 5-6 PM. 

He would get close to us in terms of distance, fly towards the balcony whenever we were out, very firmly call if we were not giving attention, and demand the things he loves eating! 

Mitthu started regularly visiting us and would watch us from the tree tops!

Mitthu started regularly visiting us and would watch us from the tree tops!

Risk taking in entrepreneurship

We talk to each other sometimes while he devours Walnuts and his other favorite food!

It’s March 2021 now, almost 2 years; he still visits every day, eats Walnuts, Guava, Grapes and Parrot Food and has his open Bird Feeder as his own space whenever he wants to visit us and whenever he is hungry. Not just us, but the neighbours have started entertaining him as well! So now he is pretty famous around!

Mithu is a free and confident parrot. He took a risk in life to break the barrier with humans, and in return, he got what he wanted - A variety of food, water, own space, love and attention!

Risk taking in entrepreneurship

Mitthu has his own safe space now filled with his favorite food items and freedom to fly around anywhere !

Pointers to take from the Story: Why should we take risks?

Taking risks shows confidence and helps you stand out.

We learn from risks — and those lessons may lead us on an important, new path. 

Success won’t fall in your lap — you have to pursue it.

You don’t achieve your dreams by playing it safe.

You become empowered to make choices in your life.

You’ll make more friends.

It brings more opportunities!

Risk taking in entrepreneurship

Source : Getty Images

Risk-taking ability and commitment to continuous learning are the hallmarks of self-directed learners, who will succeed by differentiating their skills and exploiting the broad array of informal learning technologies.

Many fast-growing jobs and emerging industries rely on workers’ creative capacity, including the ability to think unconventionally, question conventional wisdom, imagine new scenarios, and produce incredible work. Possessing an entrepreneurial mindset – recognising and acting on opportunities and the willingness to embrace risk and responsibility – enables individuals to create jobs for themselves and others.

There is a need for curricula that are open to learner input, interdisciplinary in focus, and blend informal and formal learning effectively. Problem-solving, reflection, creativity, critical thinking, metacognition, risk-taking, communication, collaboration, innovation and entrepreneurship will become key competencies for twenty-first-century life and work.

While mathematic, verbal, scientific and digital forms of literacy will remain essential building blocks, it will become increasingly important for citizens to have a solid grasp of civic issues. A dynamic twenty-first-century curriculum will enrich these new competencies and skills while reaffirming the importance of core academic subjects and literacy forms.

Today’s youth is charting new territories and are not afraid of the storm, choosing to ride into it and create their path. Hence, taking a calculated risk, using nothing but their instinct and logic, will help them hone their creative skills, which leads to noteworthy innovations when applied in the correct method and direction.

‘A ship is always safe at the shore – but that is NOT what it is built for’ – Albert Einstein. 

Risk taking in entrepreneurship

You may also read our blogs on Entrepreneurial Stories of some Inspiring Women.

References : 1. Cynthia Luna Scott. THE FUTURES of LEARNING 2: What kind of learning for the 21st century? UNESCO Education Research and Foresight, Paris. [ERF Working Papers Series, No. 14] 2.


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